
Tres Casas 24" x 30"------SOLD- - Well patched rusted tin roofs crown the three hand-built adobe homes nestled together in the wild hills of New Mexico. Goats and chickens roam freely along the rutted dirt road and a couple of horses graze on the outlying countryside. All of the front doors are hand-carved in the old Spanish style and in front of one is a Navajo rug. Red chiles hang outside and sunflowers and cholla spring up amongst the sagebrush and cactus.

Evening Mystic 12" x 12"----------SOLD----------- Done in deep blues and rich purples, mystical points of light rise from the dense foliage that grows beneath a twisted old tree. Two horses quietly browse amongst the grasses as nightfall approaches. 12" x 12" acrylic on stretched canvas.

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